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Designed to welcome beginners and challenge the super fit, upper body strength for all!

Our Pull Up/ Assisted Pull Up is a fantastic piece for all fitness levels to build upper body strength.

If you're already active or super fit, the full Pull Up station is the ideal challenge for you. Complete your reps and sets, lifting your full bodyweight. Chin up, you can do it! 

If you're new to exercise or building your strength, we have created TGO’s unique Assisted Pull Up for you. By stepping on to the platform, your own body weight is counter-levered, enabling you to perform the equivalent of a 50% pull up.

Don't forget to tag us on social media with your Pull Up/ Assisted Pull Up sessions!

Pull Up demo

Assisted Pull Up demo


Design features

1. Star progression piece in our strength range.
2. Designed for inclusivity of all fitness levels.
3. Assisted Pull Up counter balances your body weight, providing a 50% body weight pull up
4. Multiple handles to alter exercises
5. Brightly coloured to meet Inclusive Fitness Initiative standards.

Health and fitness benefits

  1. Great for upper body strength and muscle conditioning
  2. Opens pull up exercises to people of all fitness levels.
  3. Works multiple muscles with different grips.
  4. Increase challenge by increasing repetitions across your sets.